Please note this was originally a New Year 3o day program and may contain references to January, winter time or new year. However, it's every bit as relevant throughout the year.
Let's start simple. Today's most precious of all jewels is BREATHE because without breathing, you wouldn't be here.
So how do you breathe? Big hearty lungfuls or shallow sniffs?
The good news is there's plenty of the stuff and you're not taking anyone else's share. It's the source of all your strength and the starting point on the path of living your life powerfully and consciously.
Meditation scares a lot of people - they think it's only for the 'wooey-ones'. But in actual fact meditation is simply breathing and staying with the moment of that breath. One breath in. Hold and be conscious of that breath. One breath out. And in that moment you have 'centered' yourself. You've found your balance and anchored yourself there. (Loads more benefits than that - but for now we'll keep it simple.)
You can move in and out of that centre during the day, but you can always re-balance anytime you choose, simply by taking a deep breath or two and staying with the breath as you inhale deeply and slowly and exhale deeply and slowly. Magic huh?
You might have a crazy, busy, everyone-wants-a-piece-of-your-awesomeness life or a slower, wish-you-had-more-twinkle-in-your-wrinkle kind of life, but everything begins with one breath. And in that moment you get to choose how you use the next breath and the next moment.
Today, go where the air is.
Down to the sea.
Up to the mountains.
Amongst the fragrant trees.
Breathe fully and deeply and feel it reach the tips of your toes. How do you feel? Energised? Alive? Powerful? More yourself?
Yes. Precious isn't it?
The sparkly bits:
Open your lovely new 'Jewels' notebook and write the word 'Breathe' at the top of the page. Then write a couple of notes on how you want the air that you breathe to serve you. More strength? wisdom? self-worth? Then give thanks for this most precious and life-sustaining gift.
Have a wonderful day.
Trina x
Let's start simple. Today's most precious of all jewels is BREATHE because without breathing, you wouldn't be here.
So how do you breathe? Big hearty lungfuls or shallow sniffs?
The good news is there's plenty of the stuff and you're not taking anyone else's share. It's the source of all your strength and the starting point on the path of living your life powerfully and consciously.
Meditation scares a lot of people - they think it's only for the 'wooey-ones'. But in actual fact meditation is simply breathing and staying with the moment of that breath. One breath in. Hold and be conscious of that breath. One breath out. And in that moment you have 'centered' yourself. You've found your balance and anchored yourself there. (Loads more benefits than that - but for now we'll keep it simple.)
You can move in and out of that centre during the day, but you can always re-balance anytime you choose, simply by taking a deep breath or two and staying with the breath as you inhale deeply and slowly and exhale deeply and slowly. Magic huh?
You might have a crazy, busy, everyone-wants-a-piece-of-your-awesomeness life or a slower, wish-you-had-more-twinkle-in-your-wrinkle kind of life, but everything begins with one breath. And in that moment you get to choose how you use the next breath and the next moment.
Today, go where the air is.
Down to the sea.
Up to the mountains.
Amongst the fragrant trees.
Breathe fully and deeply and feel it reach the tips of your toes. How do you feel? Energised? Alive? Powerful? More yourself?
Yes. Precious isn't it?
The sparkly bits:
Open your lovely new 'Jewels' notebook and write the word 'Breathe' at the top of the page. Then write a couple of notes on how you want the air that you breathe to serve you. More strength? wisdom? self-worth? Then give thanks for this most precious and life-sustaining gift.
Have a wonderful day.
Trina x
Do you know you are eminently wise?
And another thing. There's a voice within you, ready to guide you on any given thing - at the drop of a hat - because it knows you more than anyone else in the world.
Do you trust it?
When you're 'being yourself', you're trusting your inner guidance. You're in harmony with your truest self and that feels soooo good.
You know when you've chosen something new to wear in a shop and you're thrilled you've found it? It's exactly what expresses your taste, style, self-expression and it feels so very YOU. You stand in front of the fitting room mirror and grin at yourself. You make a ta-dah! gesture and you love how you feel. You can't wait to wear this message to the world 'THIS is me'.
This month is about being more you.
So get going in. Check in with everything from how you fill your free time, to how and what you eat, who you connect with, how you dress, how you want your environment to look, feel, smell.
Don't let the voice within grow faint. Take control. And rather than rowing-in or drifting along with the choices of others - the consensus, be wide awake and in the zone, right smack where you planned to be.
In every situation in your life, you have an opportunity for harmony with who you truly are. Exercise your right to choose. Choosing equals Taking Control.
Today, choose something new.
Stop from time to time during the day and ask yourself 'how did I get here?' Did you drift there or simply respond to a request or situation unconsciously, habitually even?
Make it a priority to check in with the voice of the 'wise one within' and surprise yourself by doing something differently today. More You!
The sparkly bit:
Open your notebook and write the jewel word Choose at the top of the page. Make a note of where your precious power of Choice fits into your day. How can you claim more? How do you want to feel as you move through your day, heard? valued? present? expressive? What choices do you make that bring you closer to that feeling?
Remember, check in, listen, feel for harmony, choose. Put MORE YOU on the page please.
Have a wonderful day.
Trina x
Do you know you are eminently wise?
And another thing. There's a voice within you, ready to guide you on any given thing - at the drop of a hat - because it knows you more than anyone else in the world.
Do you trust it?
When you're 'being yourself', you're trusting your inner guidance. You're in harmony with your truest self and that feels soooo good.
You know when you've chosen something new to wear in a shop and you're thrilled you've found it? It's exactly what expresses your taste, style, self-expression and it feels so very YOU. You stand in front of the fitting room mirror and grin at yourself. You make a ta-dah! gesture and you love how you feel. You can't wait to wear this message to the world 'THIS is me'.
This month is about being more you.
So get going in. Check in with everything from how you fill your free time, to how and what you eat, who you connect with, how you dress, how you want your environment to look, feel, smell.
Don't let the voice within grow faint. Take control. And rather than rowing-in or drifting along with the choices of others - the consensus, be wide awake and in the zone, right smack where you planned to be.
In every situation in your life, you have an opportunity for harmony with who you truly are. Exercise your right to choose. Choosing equals Taking Control.
Today, choose something new.
Stop from time to time during the day and ask yourself 'how did I get here?' Did you drift there or simply respond to a request or situation unconsciously, habitually even?
Make it a priority to check in with the voice of the 'wise one within' and surprise yourself by doing something differently today. More You!
The sparkly bit:
Open your notebook and write the jewel word Choose at the top of the page. Make a note of where your precious power of Choice fits into your day. How can you claim more? How do you want to feel as you move through your day, heard? valued? present? expressive? What choices do you make that bring you closer to that feeling?
Remember, check in, listen, feel for harmony, choose. Put MORE YOU on the page please.
Have a wonderful day.
Trina x
What you focus on expands. It’s the law of the universe.
The source of everything you want is your intention to have it or be it.
And so, what you want for yourself will remain only a wish unless you actually BE what it is you want.
If it is your intention to be happy, healthy, fit and wealthy - Be it!
Be the change you wish to see. Be the thing you wish to be. Thoughts are very powerful indeed. They become things.
You intend to write a book - Be a writer
You intend to create a beautiful home – Be creative
You intend to travel - be adventurous
You intend to have love - Be loving
You intend to thrive and flourish - Be good health
You intend to have beauty in your life - Be beautiful
You intend to be a rock star - rock on!
True story
I was 8 or 9 and I wanted with all my heart to be in the ‘Wishing Moon’. The school play casting took place and Sr. Maria told me to forget about it. “You can’t be heard behind a newspaper” she said (I had to go home and ask my dad what that even meant).
So I was a stage hand. I wanted to be the sailor and wear the silky blue bell bottoms with the little pill box hat. I wanted to do the sailor dance and eat the big red apple he casually eats while enjoying shore leave. But a girl called Ann got the part.
I turned up every day for rehersals.
I learned everybody’s lines in the whole play.
I prompted when they forgot their lines.
I practiced all the songs and dance moves at home each night.
Dear Ann hardly ever turned up for rehersals.
One day Miss Byrne, the school play director got fed up with Ann not turning up and from across the stage I heard the words “Trina is always here, she knows the lines, songs and dance routines. She’s the Sailor”.
I was the sailor!
Today, turn your wishes and hopes into intentions.
What do you intend? Feel the energy in that? There’s movement and expectation in it. How can you BE this. Where can you bring aspects of this into your life. How can you prepare for the arrival of your dreams come true?
Expect it.
Let go of what stands in its way. (The sister Maria - “you couldn’t do that!” voice in your head for example).
Make way for it – clear away clutter and make space for it.
Visualise it.
Move like you have it/are it already.
Practice the lines.
Be it!
The big shiny sparkly bit
Open your precious little jewel notebook and write at the top of Day 3 the word INTENTION. Now list your wishes, hopes and dreams. Start with the biggest one. What is your intention? You're in charge. How can you take one step closer to it. Write down the tools you need, gifts you have, skills you may need to acquire, people who will support you. How do you feel? Excited, Enthused, Inspired, Expectant, Good! Be that.
Have a wonderful day.
Trina X
What you focus on expands. It’s the law of the universe.
The source of everything you want is your intention to have it or be it.
And so, what you want for yourself will remain only a wish unless you actually BE what it is you want.
If it is your intention to be happy, healthy, fit and wealthy - Be it!
Be the change you wish to see. Be the thing you wish to be. Thoughts are very powerful indeed. They become things.
You intend to write a book - Be a writer
You intend to create a beautiful home – Be creative
You intend to travel - be adventurous
You intend to have love - Be loving
You intend to thrive and flourish - Be good health
You intend to have beauty in your life - Be beautiful
You intend to be a rock star - rock on!
True story
I was 8 or 9 and I wanted with all my heart to be in the ‘Wishing Moon’. The school play casting took place and Sr. Maria told me to forget about it. “You can’t be heard behind a newspaper” she said (I had to go home and ask my dad what that even meant).
So I was a stage hand. I wanted to be the sailor and wear the silky blue bell bottoms with the little pill box hat. I wanted to do the sailor dance and eat the big red apple he casually eats while enjoying shore leave. But a girl called Ann got the part.
I turned up every day for rehersals.
I learned everybody’s lines in the whole play.
I prompted when they forgot their lines.
I practiced all the songs and dance moves at home each night.
Dear Ann hardly ever turned up for rehersals.
One day Miss Byrne, the school play director got fed up with Ann not turning up and from across the stage I heard the words “Trina is always here, she knows the lines, songs and dance routines. She’s the Sailor”.
I was the sailor!
Today, turn your wishes and hopes into intentions.
What do you intend? Feel the energy in that? There’s movement and expectation in it. How can you BE this. Where can you bring aspects of this into your life. How can you prepare for the arrival of your dreams come true?
Expect it.
Let go of what stands in its way. (The sister Maria - “you couldn’t do that!” voice in your head for example).
Make way for it – clear away clutter and make space for it.
Visualise it.
Move like you have it/are it already.
Practice the lines.
Be it!
The big shiny sparkly bit
Open your precious little jewel notebook and write at the top of Day 3 the word INTENTION. Now list your wishes, hopes and dreams. Start with the biggest one. What is your intention? You're in charge. How can you take one step closer to it. Write down the tools you need, gifts you have, skills you may need to acquire, people who will support you. How do you feel? Excited, Enthused, Inspired, Expectant, Good! Be that.
Have a wonderful day.
Trina X
When a baby is born, it has within it, a most powerful resource to assist its journey in the world.
It has a mind of its own.
However, as we come to learn, that its strength along with other vital resources such as energy, inspiration, motivation, resillience, patience, enthusiasm, creativity, delight etc. are often depleted and eroded by the stresses and strains of a busy and demanding life.
From time to time you can feel drained and dull when your big, beautiful life plan turns into 'the daily grind' and without replenishing our well of resources, we end up merely, or even sometimes barely, functioning.
Keeping a well-tended well (so to speak), allows us approach even heavy responsibilities with greater resilience, a lighter heart and a healthier self-esteem.
So today, go get your bucket - It's time to check on the well!
Check in with how you're feeling in the following life areas.
Family and Career
Creative outlets and Learning
Social connection / Community
Inner self/ Spirit
Without over-dwelling on these aspects of your life, how do you feel? How do you want to feel? Could you do with some resource back-up? If you're feeling a little burdened in any area, can you ask for some support or help? Women often place themselves as all things to all people and totally neglect the resource of asking for help.
Often all that's necessary is to step away for a while. Allow yourself space to drink in fresh supplies.
- walk barefoot on the seashore, Picnic in the park or go out into your garden and make space for next year's crop of homegrown lettuce and tomatoes. What's your particular nature fix?
Dance, walk, climb
- when you're stuck, MOVE. Shake off the dead energy weighing you down so play music loud if you must and get shaking it all out.
- write, paint, bake, take photographs, visit art galleries, go see a film, a play, play like a tourist in your own city, visit museums or stately homes and gardens. Take yourself out on a 'well date'.
Read or Watch
- inspirational books and film. There are hundreds of TED talks and YouTube videos (Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday interviews are good). Listen and learn from podcasts and audiobooks if you can't get the time to read. Watch 'The Shift' by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer (considered the father of motivation) here,
Experiencing the fullness of being (that is your birthright), requires you to keep an eye on the fuel gauge and pay attention to your resource levels. From time to time, drink in pleasure and purpose and entice yourself back to the delightfully free spirit that you were born with.
Open a fresh page of your jewels notebook and place the word RESOURCESon top. If there were a resource shop what would it be filled with?
How do you fill up your well?
What tempts your tired senses back to life? Dance? Peace and quiet? Music? Adventure? Creativity? Friendship? Humour? Beauty? Movement?
How does it feel?
What can you do when you feel this great?
Now make a note to schedule a little full-well-ness into your life every day of your life.
Have a full and pleasurable day,
Trina X
When a baby is born, it has within it, a most powerful resource to assist its journey in the world.
It has a mind of its own.
However, as we come to learn, that its strength along with other vital resources such as energy, inspiration, motivation, resillience, patience, enthusiasm, creativity, delight etc. are often depleted and eroded by the stresses and strains of a busy and demanding life.
From time to time you can feel drained and dull when your big, beautiful life plan turns into 'the daily grind' and without replenishing our well of resources, we end up merely, or even sometimes barely, functioning.
Keeping a well-tended well (so to speak), allows us approach even heavy responsibilities with greater resilience, a lighter heart and a healthier self-esteem.
So today, go get your bucket - It's time to check on the well!
Check in with how you're feeling in the following life areas.
Family and Career
Creative outlets and Learning
Social connection / Community
Inner self/ Spirit
Without over-dwelling on these aspects of your life, how do you feel? How do you want to feel? Could you do with some resource back-up? If you're feeling a little burdened in any area, can you ask for some support or help? Women often place themselves as all things to all people and totally neglect the resource of asking for help.
Often all that's necessary is to step away for a while. Allow yourself space to drink in fresh supplies.
- walk barefoot on the seashore, Picnic in the park or go out into your garden and make space for next year's crop of homegrown lettuce and tomatoes. What's your particular nature fix?
Dance, walk, climb
- when you're stuck, MOVE. Shake off the dead energy weighing you down so play music loud if you must and get shaking it all out.
- write, paint, bake, take photographs, visit art galleries, go see a film, a play, play like a tourist in your own city, visit museums or stately homes and gardens. Take yourself out on a 'well date'.
Read or Watch
- inspirational books and film. There are hundreds of TED talks and YouTube videos (Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday interviews are good). Listen and learn from podcasts and audiobooks if you can't get the time to read. Watch 'The Shift' by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer (considered the father of motivation) here,
Experiencing the fullness of being (that is your birthright), requires you to keep an eye on the fuel gauge and pay attention to your resource levels. From time to time, drink in pleasure and purpose and entice yourself back to the delightfully free spirit that you were born with.
Open a fresh page of your jewels notebook and place the word RESOURCESon top. If there were a resource shop what would it be filled with?
How do you fill up your well?
What tempts your tired senses back to life? Dance? Peace and quiet? Music? Adventure? Creativity? Friendship? Humour? Beauty? Movement?
How does it feel?
What can you do when you feel this great?
Now make a note to schedule a little full-well-ness into your life every day of your life.
Have a full and pleasurable day,
Trina X
Day 5
Here’s what I think about GRACE. I think it’s the bit of me that’s always connected to the best of me.
When we go deeper, think bigger, act better, stay stronger, rise higher – there’s Grace in that.
Thinking about this jewel today, at first I found it a little harder to find the words I was looking for to describe its lustre. I kept thinking about when I was very young and I used to call my little sister the 'child of grace'. My Grandmother used that term lovingly for all of her grandchildren and the smile on her face reflected exactly how I felt about my little sister. To my 4 year old self, she was Grace. I carried her everywhere like treasure (until I dropped her down the stairs and she wouldn’t let me do that anymore). I adored her. I still do, but I dropped the title when she got to about two and a half!
If you think about times when you behave gracefully or act graciously, you can see that you are simply acknowledging the best of yourself and the best of others.
The sandskrit word Namaste is a greeting or honouring which really means ‘The divine within me recognises (or bows to) the divine within you’. That is the acknowledgement of Grace within each of us.
I love how Caroline Myss, author of “Invisible Acts of power’ describes Grace. She says
"It is that part of you that steps in and transforms any moment into somethng beautiful."
Looking at it this way, we can see, that Grace is our very own magical power!
One thing I know for sure, Grace is not the 'coulda, woulda, shoulda' judgey part of you. Grace is the power to turn a mistake into a lesson learned. It does away with shame and unworthy and will have none of it.
Today watch out for golden moments of Grace. It’s most likely to catch you by surprise and lift your spirits because it’s the magic that transforms a moment remember. It can be found when a door is held open for you. In the peal of a child's laughter. A flash of colour from an early blooming crocus. Keeping an angry retort unspoken and giving a hug instead, (boy, does that one transform a moment!). Accepting a compliment as it’s intended. Being moved to phone someone at the precise moment they needed to talk. Turning on the radio and hearing a song that reminds you of dancing with your father again.
Sparkly Notebooks out!
On the top of a new page and in your best handwriting, place the word GRACE. Thinking of it as the magic ingredient, with the ability to transform a moment, write down where you feel Grace has been influencing your life. It can be the praise from a teacher that brought to light your gifts or talents. Or the reason you joined a tai-chi class and met an inspirational new friend. It can be why you leave out bread for the birds or in carefully preparing a nutritious meal.
What is the best part of you?
What can you do for yourself to welcome more transformational moments into your day? Pay attention to small kindnesses (yours and from others), be observant of little moments of beauty, watch out for rainbows and sunrays and see where they’re pointing.
Grace allows you follow the signposts to exactly where you are meant to be.
In graceful moments how do you feel. Sure? Safe? Guided? Beautiful? If you’re ever in doubt, take up your jewel of Grace and watch what happens.
Grace will lead you home.
Trina X
Here’s what I think about GRACE. I think it’s the bit of me that’s always connected to the best of me.
When we go deeper, think bigger, act better, stay stronger, rise higher – there’s Grace in that.
Thinking about this jewel today, at first I found it a little harder to find the words I was looking for to describe its lustre. I kept thinking about when I was very young and I used to call my little sister the 'child of grace'. My Grandmother used that term lovingly for all of her grandchildren and the smile on her face reflected exactly how I felt about my little sister. To my 4 year old self, she was Grace. I carried her everywhere like treasure (until I dropped her down the stairs and she wouldn’t let me do that anymore). I adored her. I still do, but I dropped the title when she got to about two and a half!
If you think about times when you behave gracefully or act graciously, you can see that you are simply acknowledging the best of yourself and the best of others.
The sandskrit word Namaste is a greeting or honouring which really means ‘The divine within me recognises (or bows to) the divine within you’. That is the acknowledgement of Grace within each of us.
I love how Caroline Myss, author of “Invisible Acts of power’ describes Grace. She says
"It is that part of you that steps in and transforms any moment into somethng beautiful."
Looking at it this way, we can see, that Grace is our very own magical power!
One thing I know for sure, Grace is not the 'coulda, woulda, shoulda' judgey part of you. Grace is the power to turn a mistake into a lesson learned. It does away with shame and unworthy and will have none of it.
Today watch out for golden moments of Grace. It’s most likely to catch you by surprise and lift your spirits because it’s the magic that transforms a moment remember. It can be found when a door is held open for you. In the peal of a child's laughter. A flash of colour from an early blooming crocus. Keeping an angry retort unspoken and giving a hug instead, (boy, does that one transform a moment!). Accepting a compliment as it’s intended. Being moved to phone someone at the precise moment they needed to talk. Turning on the radio and hearing a song that reminds you of dancing with your father again.
Sparkly Notebooks out!
On the top of a new page and in your best handwriting, place the word GRACE. Thinking of it as the magic ingredient, with the ability to transform a moment, write down where you feel Grace has been influencing your life. It can be the praise from a teacher that brought to light your gifts or talents. Or the reason you joined a tai-chi class and met an inspirational new friend. It can be why you leave out bread for the birds or in carefully preparing a nutritious meal.
What is the best part of you?
What can you do for yourself to welcome more transformational moments into your day? Pay attention to small kindnesses (yours and from others), be observant of little moments of beauty, watch out for rainbows and sunrays and see where they’re pointing.
Grace allows you follow the signposts to exactly where you are meant to be.
In graceful moments how do you feel. Sure? Safe? Guided? Beautiful? If you’re ever in doubt, take up your jewel of Grace and watch what happens.
Grace will lead you home.
Trina X
Day 6
In my effort to be arty in creating the graphic for today's jewel, you can see, I attempted to reflect the word Reflection. Always ready to pick up on little 'notes from the universe', I was surprised to see, that in the reflection (almost), can be found NOTICE LIFE.
Now this is perfect for today's little gem of a jewel.
Let me by way of example, explain why I think 'Notice Life' is a perfect instruction in the polishing up of the reflection jewel.
A number of years ago, my daughter (who was about 10 at the time) and I, had just arrived through the doors of a popular cafe/garden centre. A woman was arriving directly behind us and my daughter held the door open for her.
We had coffee / hot chocolate / scones with mountains of cream and decided to walk it off with a browse through the garden centre.
From behind an enormous flowering orchid, I heard a woman speak and, not sure if she was addressing me, I smiled and said a quizzical "I'm sorry?" "Oh don't be sorry at all dear. When you get to my age, you're totally invisible!"she declared very loudly - angrily even. She went on "You might as well be talking to that orchid. Invisible!" she repeated. We chatted for a bit and I attempted pleasantries but she persisted. "And young people are the worst!" she flung a pointy forefinger towards my daughter.
Every once in a while life hands you a moment. The stage is set and on you step. "Do you know" I said, "that earlier as you arrived at this centre, my daughter held the door open for you. You walked straight passed her not noticing her politeness at all. At that moment," I smiled to take the sting out, "she felt invisible" I said.
Danielle LaPorte, author of The Desire Map writes:
"The world reflects back to you how much you value yourself".
Today's jewel asks us to listen more, laugh more, appreciate more, care more, value more, soften more, say "well done" more, notice more, forgive more, trust more, spend time with more. Do all of these things but here's the key. First and foremost do them for and with yourself.
It is only when you know how these feel, that you will notice them more in your life. Notice how it feels to be tender, thoughtful, kinder, loving with yourself. Then behave in a way that attracts more of that into your life.
Be calm - people will relax around you.
Be generous - people are more giving around you.
Lighten up - people are more good humoured around you.
Care more for yourself - people are more likely to treat you with respect.
Be proud and celebrate achievements - people will support you more. - (Think bake a cake for the office when you've been off cigarettes a whole month - everyone will be watching out for your success at month two!)
Notebook Time!
Under the word Reflection, write down how you want to be seen. Don't worry, this is for you only. No one is making any judgements.
Check on how you want to feel. Valued? Appreciated? Included? Connected? Visible? Loved?
Make space for feeling these things for yourself. What do you appreciate or value in yourself? How much attention do you pay yourself? Listen to the words you use when you speak to yourself - is it loving?
In what activities can you feel more of this and who are the people who make you feel this way? It is said we become a version of the five people we spend most time with. Do you need to bring more of the kinds of people who reflect your true nature into your life? Do you need to let someone go?
Don't go without a sprinkling of sparkles.
Each morning when you clean your teeth, look in the bathroom mirror and smile. A Big Julia Roberts Smile. Be conscious of the habitual 'seek and destroy'
scan of your features looking for faults and flaws. Instead, smile at your reflection the way you would greet a much loved friend you're about to go on an excursion with.
Don't be afraid to blow yourself a kiss - then watch out for little kisses from the universe as they turn up during the day. A convenient parking spot. A seat on the train. A till opens up and the checkout assistant smiles at you to come ahead of the queue. All kisses.
Have a wonderful day,
Trina X
In my effort to be arty in creating the graphic for today's jewel, you can see, I attempted to reflect the word Reflection. Always ready to pick up on little 'notes from the universe', I was surprised to see, that in the reflection (almost), can be found NOTICE LIFE.
Now this is perfect for today's little gem of a jewel.
Let me by way of example, explain why I think 'Notice Life' is a perfect instruction in the polishing up of the reflection jewel.
A number of years ago, my daughter (who was about 10 at the time) and I, had just arrived through the doors of a popular cafe/garden centre. A woman was arriving directly behind us and my daughter held the door open for her.
We had coffee / hot chocolate / scones with mountains of cream and decided to walk it off with a browse through the garden centre.
From behind an enormous flowering orchid, I heard a woman speak and, not sure if she was addressing me, I smiled and said a quizzical "I'm sorry?" "Oh don't be sorry at all dear. When you get to my age, you're totally invisible!"she declared very loudly - angrily even. She went on "You might as well be talking to that orchid. Invisible!" she repeated. We chatted for a bit and I attempted pleasantries but she persisted. "And young people are the worst!" she flung a pointy forefinger towards my daughter.
Every once in a while life hands you a moment. The stage is set and on you step. "Do you know" I said, "that earlier as you arrived at this centre, my daughter held the door open for you. You walked straight passed her not noticing her politeness at all. At that moment," I smiled to take the sting out, "she felt invisible" I said.
Danielle LaPorte, author of The Desire Map writes:
"The world reflects back to you how much you value yourself".
Today's jewel asks us to listen more, laugh more, appreciate more, care more, value more, soften more, say "well done" more, notice more, forgive more, trust more, spend time with more. Do all of these things but here's the key. First and foremost do them for and with yourself.
It is only when you know how these feel, that you will notice them more in your life. Notice how it feels to be tender, thoughtful, kinder, loving with yourself. Then behave in a way that attracts more of that into your life.
Be calm - people will relax around you.
Be generous - people are more giving around you.
Lighten up - people are more good humoured around you.
Care more for yourself - people are more likely to treat you with respect.
Be proud and celebrate achievements - people will support you more. - (Think bake a cake for the office when you've been off cigarettes a whole month - everyone will be watching out for your success at month two!)
Notebook Time!
Under the word Reflection, write down how you want to be seen. Don't worry, this is for you only. No one is making any judgements.
Check on how you want to feel. Valued? Appreciated? Included? Connected? Visible? Loved?
Make space for feeling these things for yourself. What do you appreciate or value in yourself? How much attention do you pay yourself? Listen to the words you use when you speak to yourself - is it loving?
In what activities can you feel more of this and who are the people who make you feel this way? It is said we become a version of the five people we spend most time with. Do you need to bring more of the kinds of people who reflect your true nature into your life? Do you need to let someone go?
Don't go without a sprinkling of sparkles.
Each morning when you clean your teeth, look in the bathroom mirror and smile. A Big Julia Roberts Smile. Be conscious of the habitual 'seek and destroy'
scan of your features looking for faults and flaws. Instead, smile at your reflection the way you would greet a much loved friend you're about to go on an excursion with.
Don't be afraid to blow yourself a kiss - then watch out for little kisses from the universe as they turn up during the day. A convenient parking spot. A seat on the train. A till opens up and the checkout assistant smiles at you to come ahead of the queue. All kisses.
Have a wonderful day,
Trina X
Now straight up I have to say that there is often some confusion about blessings.
In the 'olden days' the term count your blessings was an attempt to encourage you to suck it up. To accept some disappointment by acknowledging that, despite everything, you are better off than some other unfortunate.
I personally think there are two kinds of blessings.
One is where fate and good fortune (some may say the hand of God or the angels) steps in. A lotto winning for example.
The other is the kind of blessing that brings an opportunity for growth, hope, expansion, resilience. More likely to be seen as a blessing in disguise, it's a chance for self-discovery of greater depth or strength you didn't realise you possessed.
These are what sustain us when we're not sure what happens next. They often arrive when we seem to be quite powerless.
Turning the loss of your job into an opportunity to take up a course you wanted to do and starting out on a new phase of your life.
Or finally understanding that the romance that didn't work out made room for you to learn how to take care of yourself and grow self-reliant.
So when life comes and bites your bum, kills your buzz or kicks your sandcastle, what you do from then on is where the blessing jewel is hidden. Because moving out of comfort causes you to dig deep, shift your focus and find something within you that may never otherwise have had an occasion to reveal itself.
This blessing can open up whole new horizons and a chance to feel more fully alive and free than you had in your so-called 'comfort zone'.
Blessings can turn safe and comfortable into growing and expanding.
Time to break open the treasure chest (YOUR NOTEBOOK)
So, looking at blessings as multi-faceted they can be seen as:
(1) The occasions or opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
(2) Favour or good fortune.
Place the word BLESSINGS at the top of a new page and draw a nice straight line down the middle. Mark each side with number 1 and number 2.
Under 1. Make a note of the times when a blessing meant a change of course or opportunity for change. What did you learn about yourself? Where did you grow? What new things did it bring to your life?
Under 2. Make a list of the 'good fortune' blessings you can think of. Here's one of mine.
Many years ago one evening while my husband and I were driving the length of England, our car developed a flat tyre. We pulled in and removed the spare tyre but couldn't find a car jack or the tools to remove the flat tyre. Cars flew past at great speed and as twilight began to fall, we considered abandoning the car and walking until we could get help. Out of nowhere, an enormous juggernaut pulled up and two burly men climbed out. They waited for no explanation of our predicament but wordlessly collected their equipment and changed our tyre in seconds. They collected their gear, returned to their rig and drove off, never uttering one single word or appearing to even notice us. Now that's a blessing! TBH, I think they were the coolest angels I've ever encountered.
When a blessing is an opportunity to find greater resources within yourself, new depths and strengths, how does it make you feel? perhaps excited, powerful, inspired, resilient, optimistic?
How does a good fortune blessing make you feel? Blessed, humble, wonder, grateful?
So today, in the words of your grandmother - Count your blessings and place each one carefully into your treasure chest.
Wishing you many more blessings,
Trina X
Now straight up I have to say that there is often some confusion about blessings.
In the 'olden days' the term count your blessings was an attempt to encourage you to suck it up. To accept some disappointment by acknowledging that, despite everything, you are better off than some other unfortunate.
I personally think there are two kinds of blessings.
One is where fate and good fortune (some may say the hand of God or the angels) steps in. A lotto winning for example.
The other is the kind of blessing that brings an opportunity for growth, hope, expansion, resilience. More likely to be seen as a blessing in disguise, it's a chance for self-discovery of greater depth or strength you didn't realise you possessed.
These are what sustain us when we're not sure what happens next. They often arrive when we seem to be quite powerless.
Turning the loss of your job into an opportunity to take up a course you wanted to do and starting out on a new phase of your life.
Or finally understanding that the romance that didn't work out made room for you to learn how to take care of yourself and grow self-reliant.
So when life comes and bites your bum, kills your buzz or kicks your sandcastle, what you do from then on is where the blessing jewel is hidden. Because moving out of comfort causes you to dig deep, shift your focus and find something within you that may never otherwise have had an occasion to reveal itself.
This blessing can open up whole new horizons and a chance to feel more fully alive and free than you had in your so-called 'comfort zone'.
Blessings can turn safe and comfortable into growing and expanding.
Time to break open the treasure chest (YOUR NOTEBOOK)
So, looking at blessings as multi-faceted they can be seen as:
(1) The occasions or opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
(2) Favour or good fortune.
Place the word BLESSINGS at the top of a new page and draw a nice straight line down the middle. Mark each side with number 1 and number 2.
Under 1. Make a note of the times when a blessing meant a change of course or opportunity for change. What did you learn about yourself? Where did you grow? What new things did it bring to your life?
Under 2. Make a list of the 'good fortune' blessings you can think of. Here's one of mine.
Many years ago one evening while my husband and I were driving the length of England, our car developed a flat tyre. We pulled in and removed the spare tyre but couldn't find a car jack or the tools to remove the flat tyre. Cars flew past at great speed and as twilight began to fall, we considered abandoning the car and walking until we could get help. Out of nowhere, an enormous juggernaut pulled up and two burly men climbed out. They waited for no explanation of our predicament but wordlessly collected their equipment and changed our tyre in seconds. They collected their gear, returned to their rig and drove off, never uttering one single word or appearing to even notice us. Now that's a blessing! TBH, I think they were the coolest angels I've ever encountered.
When a blessing is an opportunity to find greater resources within yourself, new depths and strengths, how does it make you feel? perhaps excited, powerful, inspired, resilient, optimistic?
How does a good fortune blessing make you feel? Blessed, humble, wonder, grateful?
So today, in the words of your grandmother - Count your blessings and place each one carefully into your treasure chest.
Wishing you many more blessings,
Trina X