DAY 15
Congratulations! We're almost half way through the month and what a treasure chest of jewels you have collected so far.
Breathe, Choose, Intention, Resources, Grace, Reflection, Blessings, Gratitude, Dreams, Inspiration, Now, Energy, Light and Release.
These two lines from a poem by Donna Stoneham could sum up your gem collection beautifully.
"I open my heart and gaze in to see, a boundless treasure, a priceless wealth".
These past two weeks, you've been taking your happiness, health and vision of a purpose-led life to a new level and that's how you get to THRIVE.
So today's jewel is exactly that. You've earned it!
It's easy to get bogged down in the demands of everyday life and we can drift into a state of surviving rather than thriving.
So let's be clear - to thrive is to flourish and grow and we can do this at any stage of life.
In survival mode we see life through a filter of obstacles and limitations. In thriving mode we look through a lens of possibilities and opportunities. In seeing these possibilities, we know we are strong, resilient and have options. A thriving mindset is so powerful it actually affects us on a physical level.
A true story (paraphrased) from Dr. Christiane Northrup.
A group of elderly men were involved in a study on aging. All of the men had baseline tests done for lung capacity, blood pressure, stamina, heart health, hearing and so on, and all were of a similar level.
The men were divided into two groups and were taken away for a week-long vacation. One half (group 1) were taken to a quiet hotel for the elderly and met by carers who took their luggage up to their room. From then on, their every need was met. The men were allowed sleep and rest as much as they liked and meals were brought to them. It was a pleasant environment of hushed halls and quiet rooms.
The other half of the men (group 2) were brought to another establishment and were also assisted with their luggage to their rooms. For the week, the men were shown films and tv shows which were popular during the years of their prime. Magazines of that era were placed around the rooms and music from their dancing days was piped to the common areas. The men were fully engaged with their environment and they talked into the night about the exploits and adventures of their youth. A bond of mutual understanding and shared history grew quickly between the group. The men were thriving.
The week came to an end and the time came for group 1 to depart. They were assisted with their packing and the attendants carried their luggage back to the waiting transport. The group 2 departure was markedly different to their arrival. They waived the offer of assistance with their packing and carried their own luggage to the waiting transport.
When the same baseline tests were repeated the men in group 2 had improvements noted in almost every area of their physical health. Group 1 tests were unchanged.
It's important to remind ourselves daily of our thrive-ability, otherwise we risk accepting the view that getting older is to decline.
In her book, The Thrivers Edge, Donna Stoneham sets out the seven keys to becoming a thriver. They are:
1. Trust (faith that you are supported and not alone)
2. Humility (freedom from arrogance or affected pride)
3. Resilience (in touch with your inner resources)
4. Inner direction (follow your compass/intuition/ North Star)
5. Vision (creative purpose/ability to take action steps)
6. Expansiveness (broaden horizon/open mindedness/ see what's possible)
Mark THRIVE at the top of the new page and ask yourself are you thriving and flourishing? Is it time to develop a strong and healthy thriving mindset?
How does thriving feel? Alive? Energised? Advancing? Authentic? Organic? Wholesome? Expressive? other?
Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
In relation to your life-plan or vision, what small steps can you take daily to build a structure for that plan or vision?
Who can support you in doing this? (Perhaps they can take over some duties, help draw up budgets, keep you motivated or accountable).
Prepare a list of activities which you believe will help you THRIVE. Break it into three.
Your body - healthy eating, exercise, sleep, self-care activities.
Your mind - stay open to new possibilities, engage in creative pursuits or activities you're passionate about (even if that's fishing!). Cultivate a thriving mindset and plan the day ahead with how you will thrive in mind. Review your day as you go to sleep, recognising all the areas you felt you flourished and grew.
Your spirit - believing that you are more than your physical presence. That your life has purpose and that you're connected to a higher source.
Each day try to seize an opportunity to stretch your comfort zone. Watch where it takes you, what new horizons it opens up to you.
See? You're thriving!
Happy mining my Jewelies,
Trina X
Congratulations! We're almost half way through the month and what a treasure chest of jewels you have collected so far.
Breathe, Choose, Intention, Resources, Grace, Reflection, Blessings, Gratitude, Dreams, Inspiration, Now, Energy, Light and Release.
These two lines from a poem by Donna Stoneham could sum up your gem collection beautifully.
"I open my heart and gaze in to see, a boundless treasure, a priceless wealth".
These past two weeks, you've been taking your happiness, health and vision of a purpose-led life to a new level and that's how you get to THRIVE.
So today's jewel is exactly that. You've earned it!
It's easy to get bogged down in the demands of everyday life and we can drift into a state of surviving rather than thriving.
So let's be clear - to thrive is to flourish and grow and we can do this at any stage of life.
In survival mode we see life through a filter of obstacles and limitations. In thriving mode we look through a lens of possibilities and opportunities. In seeing these possibilities, we know we are strong, resilient and have options. A thriving mindset is so powerful it actually affects us on a physical level.
A true story (paraphrased) from Dr. Christiane Northrup.
A group of elderly men were involved in a study on aging. All of the men had baseline tests done for lung capacity, blood pressure, stamina, heart health, hearing and so on, and all were of a similar level.
The men were divided into two groups and were taken away for a week-long vacation. One half (group 1) were taken to a quiet hotel for the elderly and met by carers who took their luggage up to their room. From then on, their every need was met. The men were allowed sleep and rest as much as they liked and meals were brought to them. It was a pleasant environment of hushed halls and quiet rooms.
The other half of the men (group 2) were brought to another establishment and were also assisted with their luggage to their rooms. For the week, the men were shown films and tv shows which were popular during the years of their prime. Magazines of that era were placed around the rooms and music from their dancing days was piped to the common areas. The men were fully engaged with their environment and they talked into the night about the exploits and adventures of their youth. A bond of mutual understanding and shared history grew quickly between the group. The men were thriving.
The week came to an end and the time came for group 1 to depart. They were assisted with their packing and the attendants carried their luggage back to the waiting transport. The group 2 departure was markedly different to their arrival. They waived the offer of assistance with their packing and carried their own luggage to the waiting transport.
When the same baseline tests were repeated the men in group 2 had improvements noted in almost every area of their physical health. Group 1 tests were unchanged.
It's important to remind ourselves daily of our thrive-ability, otherwise we risk accepting the view that getting older is to decline.
In her book, The Thrivers Edge, Donna Stoneham sets out the seven keys to becoming a thriver. They are:
1. Trust (faith that you are supported and not alone)
2. Humility (freedom from arrogance or affected pride)
3. Resilience (in touch with your inner resources)
4. Inner direction (follow your compass/intuition/ North Star)
5. Vision (creative purpose/ability to take action steps)
6. Expansiveness (broaden horizon/open mindedness/ see what's possible)
Mark THRIVE at the top of the new page and ask yourself are you thriving and flourishing? Is it time to develop a strong and healthy thriving mindset?
How does thriving feel? Alive? Energised? Advancing? Authentic? Organic? Wholesome? Expressive? other?
Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
In relation to your life-plan or vision, what small steps can you take daily to build a structure for that plan or vision?
Who can support you in doing this? (Perhaps they can take over some duties, help draw up budgets, keep you motivated or accountable).
Prepare a list of activities which you believe will help you THRIVE. Break it into three.
Your body - healthy eating, exercise, sleep, self-care activities.
Your mind - stay open to new possibilities, engage in creative pursuits or activities you're passionate about (even if that's fishing!). Cultivate a thriving mindset and plan the day ahead with how you will thrive in mind. Review your day as you go to sleep, recognising all the areas you felt you flourished and grew.
Your spirit - believing that you are more than your physical presence. That your life has purpose and that you're connected to a higher source.
Each day try to seize an opportunity to stretch your comfort zone. Watch where it takes you, what new horizons it opens up to you.
See? You're thriving!
Happy mining my Jewelies,
Trina X
DAY 16
What season is your personal favourite?
Mine is definitely Summer with its long days of sunlight heralded by birdsong at early dawn.
Today's Jewel is SEASONS and within it are numerous facets - cycles, hours, tides and time. And when we are seasoned, we have become mellow, mature, aged and resilient.
We may live our lives according to the seasons as defined by nature. It suggests our state of physical potentiality.
Spring - It's all before us, we are budding.
Summer - Basking in full bloom, showy and vibrant.
Autumn - Mellow and ripe, harvest and fullness of appreciation.
Winter - rest.
Often quoted is bible reference Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die etc...... the quote that inspired the song Turn! Turn! Turn! by Peter Seeger in the 1950's.
We are always turning, always evolving. Even throughout the life cycle of your current season whatever you feel that may be. Each experience opens up and leads to so many more, bringing new opportunities for new springtimes at any stage in life. Because it's not just life that follows seasons. As the song says, it is every thing and every purpose.
You are just as likely to wish to finish or close the book on a plan in the springtime or youth of your life as you are to be filled with an urge to push forth a new idea or plan in the autumn of your life cycle.
So, we must be very careful not to confine ourselves to living entirely according the season of our life, we will miss out on whole new life cycles within which, are more and more seasons.
How often do we hear "It's too late" or "I'm too old to begin ....." These words are so sad because often it's only when we've completed other important cycles of our lives, that we have time to give attention to a real purpose, gift or learning experience. New springtimes are waiting for us at every turning point and crossroads.
I have a friend, a beautiful woman who has just celebrated her 70th birthday. Taking lessons in Argentinian tango in her 60's has brought her a whole world of friendships - youthful and exotic, and is opening up new wonders and experiences as she is invited to visit South America to take part in competitions and visit with the families of the friends she has made. She most definitely is in the summer of her life of dance. Adding new dimensions, flavours, and seasoning to her wealth of experience.
It is said that for some, the cyclical beginning of our annual energy pattern is at the time of our personal new year - our birthday. A far more auspicious time to make new beginnings, fresh starts and commitments to self-development. Does this sound true for you?
Treating your birthday as your new year allows you gift yourself everything you wish to celebrate and experience for the year ahead of your life. Plan to spend the year ahead capturing moments that say "I was here". Not just another year - but a brand new year.
I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and so the whole purpose is that we grow and evolve. As we progress through our carefully laid down plans for ourselves, safe, protecting all we have gained thus far, we are confronted and presented with new possibilities and learning opportunities along the way. This is where the real magic begins, where we get to explore the miracle of life and the gift that is living. We get to open ourselves up to the power of inspiration and enthusiasm, experiencing life to the fullest. To remain blinkered on our path to all of this is to miss out on the kaleidoscope of jewels, our life is intended to be.
There is no real beginning or ending - just advancing. Everything is growth, even rest.
Today's jewel is SEASONS, so place this at the top of a whole new page.
What season in life do you imagine you are in?
How does this sit with you? Do you enjoy this season generally?
What do you look forward to in each of the seasons of nature?
Is there anything to dislike within it?
When do you feel the energy suits you best to begin a new year cycle: the annual new year? your birthday? the beginning of a favourite season?other?
What excites you most about a new year (beginning at any of the above times)?
At the end of each year cycle, what is your predominant feeling of the year about to pass? Grateful? Let-down or disappointed? Expansive and progressive? Excited? Sad?
Please note, I'm not ignoring that you may have sad or difficult experiences during the year. You very much have my respect for your feelings. In this instance, I'm simply concentrating on positive living and personal development.
In what way can you make the year ahead a new year and not just a repeat of the year that has gone before?
What new cycle would you like to begin this year?
Wishing you a happy spring, summer, autumn or winter - whatever weather you happen to be experiencing this 16th of January.
Trina x
What season is your personal favourite?
Mine is definitely Summer with its long days of sunlight heralded by birdsong at early dawn.
Today's Jewel is SEASONS and within it are numerous facets - cycles, hours, tides and time. And when we are seasoned, we have become mellow, mature, aged and resilient.
We may live our lives according to the seasons as defined by nature. It suggests our state of physical potentiality.
Spring - It's all before us, we are budding.
Summer - Basking in full bloom, showy and vibrant.
Autumn - Mellow and ripe, harvest and fullness of appreciation.
Winter - rest.
Often quoted is bible reference Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 - For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die etc...... the quote that inspired the song Turn! Turn! Turn! by Peter Seeger in the 1950's.
We are always turning, always evolving. Even throughout the life cycle of your current season whatever you feel that may be. Each experience opens up and leads to so many more, bringing new opportunities for new springtimes at any stage in life. Because it's not just life that follows seasons. As the song says, it is every thing and every purpose.
You are just as likely to wish to finish or close the book on a plan in the springtime or youth of your life as you are to be filled with an urge to push forth a new idea or plan in the autumn of your life cycle.
So, we must be very careful not to confine ourselves to living entirely according the season of our life, we will miss out on whole new life cycles within which, are more and more seasons.
How often do we hear "It's too late" or "I'm too old to begin ....." These words are so sad because often it's only when we've completed other important cycles of our lives, that we have time to give attention to a real purpose, gift or learning experience. New springtimes are waiting for us at every turning point and crossroads.
I have a friend, a beautiful woman who has just celebrated her 70th birthday. Taking lessons in Argentinian tango in her 60's has brought her a whole world of friendships - youthful and exotic, and is opening up new wonders and experiences as she is invited to visit South America to take part in competitions and visit with the families of the friends she has made. She most definitely is in the summer of her life of dance. Adding new dimensions, flavours, and seasoning to her wealth of experience.
It is said that for some, the cyclical beginning of our annual energy pattern is at the time of our personal new year - our birthday. A far more auspicious time to make new beginnings, fresh starts and commitments to self-development. Does this sound true for you?
Treating your birthday as your new year allows you gift yourself everything you wish to celebrate and experience for the year ahead of your life. Plan to spend the year ahead capturing moments that say "I was here". Not just another year - but a brand new year.
I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and so the whole purpose is that we grow and evolve. As we progress through our carefully laid down plans for ourselves, safe, protecting all we have gained thus far, we are confronted and presented with new possibilities and learning opportunities along the way. This is where the real magic begins, where we get to explore the miracle of life and the gift that is living. We get to open ourselves up to the power of inspiration and enthusiasm, experiencing life to the fullest. To remain blinkered on our path to all of this is to miss out on the kaleidoscope of jewels, our life is intended to be.
There is no real beginning or ending - just advancing. Everything is growth, even rest.
Today's jewel is SEASONS, so place this at the top of a whole new page.
What season in life do you imagine you are in?
How does this sit with you? Do you enjoy this season generally?
What do you look forward to in each of the seasons of nature?
Is there anything to dislike within it?
When do you feel the energy suits you best to begin a new year cycle: the annual new year? your birthday? the beginning of a favourite season?other?
What excites you most about a new year (beginning at any of the above times)?
At the end of each year cycle, what is your predominant feeling of the year about to pass? Grateful? Let-down or disappointed? Expansive and progressive? Excited? Sad?
Please note, I'm not ignoring that you may have sad or difficult experiences during the year. You very much have my respect for your feelings. In this instance, I'm simply concentrating on positive living and personal development.
In what way can you make the year ahead a new year and not just a repeat of the year that has gone before?
What new cycle would you like to begin this year?
Wishing you a happy spring, summer, autumn or winter - whatever weather you happen to be experiencing this 16th of January.
Trina x
DAY 17
I absolutely adore the word MAGIC and I think as a jewel, it's probably my favourite in the treasure chest.
It can turn something ordinary into something magnificent and here's how I think that happens. It's when you get out of your own way and let the trio of superpowers take over. Trust, Faith and Certainty.
Every day we have moments of brilliance. We get flashes of inspiration. We have a powerful gut instinct about something. Right there is the magic.
We step right in front of all this genius, snap our magic wand in two, fling the pieces over our shoulder and call for.......Ego. Loud, protective ego comes rushing in. "Right then" it says, ''I'll take it from here." A mindset of risk and damage control takes over and we make all our decisions and take action from that standpoint.
So how do we set Magic free to transform our ordinary world into something, well, Magical?
When the moment of brilliance, flashes of inspiration and gut instinct come to mind you must first:
Trust your instinct or intuition - this is good!
Then, have Faith in your own internal guidance - you've got this!
From there you need to proceed in Certainty of your ability to make something magical take place - I can do this!
People we admire for their genius - great composers, writers and artists - do this all the time. They are inspired, and they have learned to get out of their own way and let the magic take over. When they don't or can't do that, they can experience a 'block'.
I recently read about a song writer, who would never finish the lyrics until the last minute before she was due to deliver a song. She believed that she would have to 'write what came to her' and with no time to doubt or 'improve' her work, it was almost always her best work. Often later when she looked at her work she would say to herself 'This is brilliant, Did I do that?"
During the festive season, we are carried along by the 'Magic of Christmas'. Why is it magical? When a child believes that Santa will move across the sky with a sleigh driven by flying Reindeer, slip down their chimney and deliver a present before carrying on to all the other children of the world, something inside us recognises and responds to that. The magic we feel is their trust, faith and certainty that what they believe is true.
One of my greatest experiences of magic in my life, is the night I met my husband. I'd met a friend for a chat and a drink and as we were ordering another drink, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I needed to go to a particular nightclub immediately. I knew I was going to meet the man I would marry. This feeling was so powerful, I could hear the words clearly spoken in my head. Without any hesitation, I excused myself and went home to change arriving at the nightclub an hour later. I met many people that night and one of them was the man that I married five years later. I trusted my instinct and listened to the guidance I received. I had faith in the possibility that the man of my dreams may indeed be present and I had certainty that this was the right course of action.
The lovely thing about experiencing magic in your life is that the more you recognise it, the more you act on it, the more you find it everywhere. So the thing is, to increase magic you've got to practice magic.
Our instinctive, intuitive, higher part of ourselves always knows we are capable of amazing and wonderful things. It knows whether we are on the right track or not. We need to exercise our connection to this regularly so we can recognise that 'voice' or nudge when we hear or feel it.
The protective, safe, ego driven part of us will always find reasons to question everything. It goes straight to doubt and will find 10 reason why it can't or won't happen.
Recognise each of these parts of you and know which one you are responding to when brilliance strikes.
Today place the jewel MAGIC at the top of a new page.
How often do you find yourself following your gut instinct?
How does that make you feel?
How do you experience flashes of inspiration?
Do you waken with brilliant ideas? Is it when you're alone with your thoughts? Or perhaps when you're occupied with something else, like gardening or doing housework and it just pops into your mind?
We need to prepare a magic tool kit for ourselves so we can charm as much magic into our daily lives as we can.
Pay attention to how you respond to your thoughts and ideas. Do you second-guess everything?
Do you find you overthink things and then feel the fizz go flat on your exciting ideas?
Decide that once a day at least you're going to allow a magic moment. Maybe that's to act on the urge to call someone you haven't seen in years. Or to respond to the local drama group's ad for new talent. Who knows where any of it will end but it sends a signal loud and clear. "I'm open to magic in my life!"
My perfect magical tool box ingredient is to go for a walk and as I begin, I set the intention that by the end of my walk, I will be inspired to do something that will bring a little sparkle of magic into my life. It may be something simple like a solution to a problem or the idea to invite friends to dinner. A year or so ago, it was an urge to phone a friend I hadn't heard from or seen in over 30 years. As soon as I returned from my walk, I found her number and texted a message. Within ten minutes my phone rang. My old friend was calling. I pressed the little green button on my phone and answered her call. "Hi there!" I screeched? "You won't believe this" she said, "I was just thinking about you!"
Now that's magic!
Have a magical evening,
Trina X
I absolutely adore the word MAGIC and I think as a jewel, it's probably my favourite in the treasure chest.
It can turn something ordinary into something magnificent and here's how I think that happens. It's when you get out of your own way and let the trio of superpowers take over. Trust, Faith and Certainty.
Every day we have moments of brilliance. We get flashes of inspiration. We have a powerful gut instinct about something. Right there is the magic.
We step right in front of all this genius, snap our magic wand in two, fling the pieces over our shoulder and call for.......Ego. Loud, protective ego comes rushing in. "Right then" it says, ''I'll take it from here." A mindset of risk and damage control takes over and we make all our decisions and take action from that standpoint.
So how do we set Magic free to transform our ordinary world into something, well, Magical?
When the moment of brilliance, flashes of inspiration and gut instinct come to mind you must first:
Trust your instinct or intuition - this is good!
Then, have Faith in your own internal guidance - you've got this!
From there you need to proceed in Certainty of your ability to make something magical take place - I can do this!
People we admire for their genius - great composers, writers and artists - do this all the time. They are inspired, and they have learned to get out of their own way and let the magic take over. When they don't or can't do that, they can experience a 'block'.
I recently read about a song writer, who would never finish the lyrics until the last minute before she was due to deliver a song. She believed that she would have to 'write what came to her' and with no time to doubt or 'improve' her work, it was almost always her best work. Often later when she looked at her work she would say to herself 'This is brilliant, Did I do that?"
During the festive season, we are carried along by the 'Magic of Christmas'. Why is it magical? When a child believes that Santa will move across the sky with a sleigh driven by flying Reindeer, slip down their chimney and deliver a present before carrying on to all the other children of the world, something inside us recognises and responds to that. The magic we feel is their trust, faith and certainty that what they believe is true.
One of my greatest experiences of magic in my life, is the night I met my husband. I'd met a friend for a chat and a drink and as we were ordering another drink, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I needed to go to a particular nightclub immediately. I knew I was going to meet the man I would marry. This feeling was so powerful, I could hear the words clearly spoken in my head. Without any hesitation, I excused myself and went home to change arriving at the nightclub an hour later. I met many people that night and one of them was the man that I married five years later. I trusted my instinct and listened to the guidance I received. I had faith in the possibility that the man of my dreams may indeed be present and I had certainty that this was the right course of action.
The lovely thing about experiencing magic in your life is that the more you recognise it, the more you act on it, the more you find it everywhere. So the thing is, to increase magic you've got to practice magic.
Our instinctive, intuitive, higher part of ourselves always knows we are capable of amazing and wonderful things. It knows whether we are on the right track or not. We need to exercise our connection to this regularly so we can recognise that 'voice' or nudge when we hear or feel it.
The protective, safe, ego driven part of us will always find reasons to question everything. It goes straight to doubt and will find 10 reason why it can't or won't happen.
Recognise each of these parts of you and know which one you are responding to when brilliance strikes.
Today place the jewel MAGIC at the top of a new page.
How often do you find yourself following your gut instinct?
How does that make you feel?
How do you experience flashes of inspiration?
Do you waken with brilliant ideas? Is it when you're alone with your thoughts? Or perhaps when you're occupied with something else, like gardening or doing housework and it just pops into your mind?
We need to prepare a magic tool kit for ourselves so we can charm as much magic into our daily lives as we can.
Pay attention to how you respond to your thoughts and ideas. Do you second-guess everything?
Do you find you overthink things and then feel the fizz go flat on your exciting ideas?
Decide that once a day at least you're going to allow a magic moment. Maybe that's to act on the urge to call someone you haven't seen in years. Or to respond to the local drama group's ad for new talent. Who knows where any of it will end but it sends a signal loud and clear. "I'm open to magic in my life!"
My perfect magical tool box ingredient is to go for a walk and as I begin, I set the intention that by the end of my walk, I will be inspired to do something that will bring a little sparkle of magic into my life. It may be something simple like a solution to a problem or the idea to invite friends to dinner. A year or so ago, it was an urge to phone a friend I hadn't heard from or seen in over 30 years. As soon as I returned from my walk, I found her number and texted a message. Within ten minutes my phone rang. My old friend was calling. I pressed the little green button on my phone and answered her call. "Hi there!" I screeched? "You won't believe this" she said, "I was just thinking about you!"
Now that's magic!
Have a magical evening,
Trina X
DAY 18
I had a work colleague years ago. A very talented photographer. I loved her company and we often spent a lot of time together driving about on our way to shoot locations. Her eye was such that she would show me things I otherwise wouldn't notice.
One day she blurted out "You know I can't be around anyone who isn't beautiful. The absence of beauty hurts me." My youthful understanding of her statement, was that she didn't like what she considered ugly people. But I have since learned what she meant.
I believe beauty is the revelation of the essence of a person. When someone shows you their courage, or passion, or kindness, or goodness, their talents and gifts, their wisdom, their power, their gentleness, their fierceness, their joy, their vulnerability, their life lived on purpose - they reveal their beauty.
Often when people don't know or trust their own beauty, they try to be, what they believe others might want them to be - out of fear of not being good enough or just to 'fit in'. They mask their own truth and authenticity and believe that some outside source will make them more appealing. It was precisely what my photographer friend meant when she said "The absence of beauty hurts me."
One of the most beautiful things in the world to my eyes is a soft pink peony rose. The colour, the petal shape, the scent, the peony to my mind is simply awesome in its perfection. Imagine if it doubted its beauty? Imagine if it sprayed a little Chanel no 5 on itself, dabbed a little more pink on its petals (not that I'm averse to using such measures on myself) but the very thing that makes it so perfectly perfect in its beauty would be shrouded in a false expression.
Our oh-so-precious jewel today is BEAUTY and it is one of my four cornerstones. I cannot pass beauty without bowing to its majesty because it is always a reflection of something divine -the source from which it comes.
We say that beauty is breathtaking and awesome and I think that is what is meant by being captivated by a thing of beauty - something in us ascends and responds to the perfect purity of it. A piece of music can carry us to some exquisite place because it reaches harmony within the very soul of us.This year is about BEING MORE YOU . Don't be afraid to let people see your passion, your wisdom, your power, your gentleness, your vulnerability, your talent, your courage,and all the parts of you that celebrate and reveal your own unique and authentic essence - your beauty.
Your Big Beautiful Life Plan
There is nothing as beautiful as someone in love. Fall in love with your own life.
Spend time in beautiful places: - buildings, gardens, parks, botanical gardens, art galleries, museums, theatres, stores, food halls and markets, bookshops, cafes,
Create a beautiful environment: - in music, words, entertainment, friendship and family, food, flowers, plants, and trees, animals and pets, books, activities, atmosphere and ambience, body, appearance, your clothes, colours, spiritual connections.
Enjoy feeling beautiful: - do what makes you happy in the company of people who see your beauty. See. You're gorgeous!
Don't keep good things for 'best'.
Wear your beautiful clothes and jewellery every day.
Spray your expensive perfume every morning.
Have friends over to dinner on a Tuesday.
Share your expensive bottle of claret with your best friend as you set the world to rights.
Buy a bunch of flowers for your work desk - no reason.
Get a manicure and polish just in case a special occasion turns up.
Buy one glossy magazine a month and ditch the gossip mags.
Light scented candles.
Keep the list going. What can you add?
Wishing you a beautiful evening whatever you are doing.
Trina X
I had a work colleague years ago. A very talented photographer. I loved her company and we often spent a lot of time together driving about on our way to shoot locations. Her eye was such that she would show me things I otherwise wouldn't notice.
One day she blurted out "You know I can't be around anyone who isn't beautiful. The absence of beauty hurts me." My youthful understanding of her statement, was that she didn't like what she considered ugly people. But I have since learned what she meant.
I believe beauty is the revelation of the essence of a person. When someone shows you their courage, or passion, or kindness, or goodness, their talents and gifts, their wisdom, their power, their gentleness, their fierceness, their joy, their vulnerability, their life lived on purpose - they reveal their beauty.
Often when people don't know or trust their own beauty, they try to be, what they believe others might want them to be - out of fear of not being good enough or just to 'fit in'. They mask their own truth and authenticity and believe that some outside source will make them more appealing. It was precisely what my photographer friend meant when she said "The absence of beauty hurts me."
One of the most beautiful things in the world to my eyes is a soft pink peony rose. The colour, the petal shape, the scent, the peony to my mind is simply awesome in its perfection. Imagine if it doubted its beauty? Imagine if it sprayed a little Chanel no 5 on itself, dabbed a little more pink on its petals (not that I'm averse to using such measures on myself) but the very thing that makes it so perfectly perfect in its beauty would be shrouded in a false expression.
Our oh-so-precious jewel today is BEAUTY and it is one of my four cornerstones. I cannot pass beauty without bowing to its majesty because it is always a reflection of something divine -the source from which it comes.
We say that beauty is breathtaking and awesome and I think that is what is meant by being captivated by a thing of beauty - something in us ascends and responds to the perfect purity of it. A piece of music can carry us to some exquisite place because it reaches harmony within the very soul of us.This year is about BEING MORE YOU . Don't be afraid to let people see your passion, your wisdom, your power, your gentleness, your vulnerability, your talent, your courage,and all the parts of you that celebrate and reveal your own unique and authentic essence - your beauty.
Your Big Beautiful Life Plan
There is nothing as beautiful as someone in love. Fall in love with your own life.
Spend time in beautiful places: - buildings, gardens, parks, botanical gardens, art galleries, museums, theatres, stores, food halls and markets, bookshops, cafes,
Create a beautiful environment: - in music, words, entertainment, friendship and family, food, flowers, plants, and trees, animals and pets, books, activities, atmosphere and ambience, body, appearance, your clothes, colours, spiritual connections.
Enjoy feeling beautiful: - do what makes you happy in the company of people who see your beauty. See. You're gorgeous!
Don't keep good things for 'best'.
Wear your beautiful clothes and jewellery every day.
Spray your expensive perfume every morning.
Have friends over to dinner on a Tuesday.
Share your expensive bottle of claret with your best friend as you set the world to rights.
Buy a bunch of flowers for your work desk - no reason.
Get a manicure and polish just in case a special occasion turns up.
Buy one glossy magazine a month and ditch the gossip mags.
Light scented candles.
Keep the list going. What can you add?
Wishing you a beautiful evening whatever you are doing.
Trina X
DAY 19
“Every day she imagined placing a beautiful crown upon her head to remind herself that she was a powerful, resourceful, intelligent and wise woman – and she delighted in her realm.” (unknown author)
Today's jewel is QUEEN to remind you that you get to pick out your jewels and place them in your crown to wear it in a realm of your choosing.
What are you the Queen of?
What is your realm and how do you move through it?
Short sunny story
Many years ago at a family party, an elderly gentleman turned to my then six year old daughter and asked “Who do we have here?” My daughter answered without hesitation, “I am the queen of Lanzarote”. "And how did you get to be the queen of Lanzarote?" He asked. “Because it's the place where I have my crown” she said.
Everyone chuckled but I knew immediately what she meant. During the recent family holiday in Lanzarote, the days were filled with a peaceful ease, sunshine and warmth. As a family, we swam, ate out, sunbathed, explored the volcanos and took boat trips. Our daughter got to stay up late, drink a coke and eat ice cream every day and most of all she had our full attention. The sun shone all day and people smiled at each other. To her it was perfect happiness. This was how she wanted to feel all the time. It was her realm - the place where she wears her crown.
Place the word QUEEN at the top of a new page and beneath it write some notes on your realm.
What jewels glitter in your crown? Courage, light, inspiration, wisdom, humour, warmth, peace, love, beauty……
What are you the Queen of? How you want to feel or a value you hold dear is often your best indication:-
Creativity, adventure, movement, New York, dance, joy, light, rock and roll, beauty, pleasure, style, learning, culture, Tibet, open road, freedom, Cadiz, justice, song, trees, animals, sunshine, laughter, Lanzarote
My name is ____________________
I am the queen of _______________
My crown jewel is ______________
I did tell you to keep an open mind!! You started out with mining for jewels. Now you've got your own realm!
Wishing you a lovely day, your majesty.
Trina x
“Every day she imagined placing a beautiful crown upon her head to remind herself that she was a powerful, resourceful, intelligent and wise woman – and she delighted in her realm.” (unknown author)
Today's jewel is QUEEN to remind you that you get to pick out your jewels and place them in your crown to wear it in a realm of your choosing.
What are you the Queen of?
What is your realm and how do you move through it?
Short sunny story
Many years ago at a family party, an elderly gentleman turned to my then six year old daughter and asked “Who do we have here?” My daughter answered without hesitation, “I am the queen of Lanzarote”. "And how did you get to be the queen of Lanzarote?" He asked. “Because it's the place where I have my crown” she said.
Everyone chuckled but I knew immediately what she meant. During the recent family holiday in Lanzarote, the days were filled with a peaceful ease, sunshine and warmth. As a family, we swam, ate out, sunbathed, explored the volcanos and took boat trips. Our daughter got to stay up late, drink a coke and eat ice cream every day and most of all she had our full attention. The sun shone all day and people smiled at each other. To her it was perfect happiness. This was how she wanted to feel all the time. It was her realm - the place where she wears her crown.
Place the word QUEEN at the top of a new page and beneath it write some notes on your realm.
What jewels glitter in your crown? Courage, light, inspiration, wisdom, humour, warmth, peace, love, beauty……
What are you the Queen of? How you want to feel or a value you hold dear is often your best indication:-
Creativity, adventure, movement, New York, dance, joy, light, rock and roll, beauty, pleasure, style, learning, culture, Tibet, open road, freedom, Cadiz, justice, song, trees, animals, sunshine, laughter, Lanzarote
My name is ____________________
I am the queen of _______________
My crown jewel is ______________
I did tell you to keep an open mind!! You started out with mining for jewels. Now you've got your own realm!
Wishing you a lovely day, your majesty.
Trina x
DAY 20
Do you know that this word, associated with magic incantation is from an Aramaic word meaning "I create as I speak".
Today's Jewel is WORDS and it is one of immense power.
It has the ability to crush as much as it can heal. It can kill a dream or build one. It can cause crippling shame or bring soaring freedom. It can slam doors shut or open brand new ones. It can melt a heart or build steel defences.
One word can change the world forever.
An experiment carried out by the Japanese author of The Hidden Messages in Water, Masaru Emoto, showed that the power of words can directly affect the molecular structure of water.
Simply put, he exposed glasses of water to different words - some positive and some negative. He placed words such as hate, war, violence, injury under some glasses and words such as love, healing, strength, compassion beneath others.
The water was then frozen and the resulting crystals examined. It was shown that the crystals of the water exposed to the negative words were jagged and had ‘ugly’ formations. And the water exposed to positive words resulted in visually pleasing “beautiful” crystal formations.
The suggestion made by Emoto is that if our bodies are made of nearly 60% water, then the words we use within our body may have a profound effect on our physical health and well-being.
Today, through proven studies in neuroscience, we know that our choice of words has a direct and immediate effect on our emotional and physical responses. The book 'The MINDBODY SELF' by Dr. Mario Martinez is considered 'an absolute masterwork combining science, anthropology and the wisdom of the heart' and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in exploring 'the causes of health'.
We are what we speak.
The words we use to speak to ourselves, our inner dialogue, can make or break us too. We tell ourselves stories and then behave as though they are true . “I am strong, I am clever and I’m prepared.” will produce a vastly different outlook going into an exam than “I am weak, I am stupid and I’m not ready.” The words you use condition yourself to behave in a way that affects your outcome.
Our bodies believe every word we say, so tell it some super-powered, steroid-pumped new truths and abracadabra – let the magic begin!
Notice how often you say negative and self-depreciating things to and about yourself. Are you mindlessly repeating words said to you in the past? Whose voice do you hear nagging you in a negative maner? A teacher from junior school, a sports coach, a boss, a parent? Once you begin to notice and acknowledge the negative stories you repeat to yourself, you can begin to make changes. Affirmations are a brilliant, simple and powerful way to break the habit of negative self-talk.
Write the word WORDS at the top of the new Jewels page and copy the following statement onto your page.
Your words have so much power. Your thoughts become things so choose what you say carefully. They become your reality. What follows 'I am' and 'I can' is coming to you.
When we put into words what we want to be or what we want to happen, we are empowering ourselves and reassuring our minds about the possiilities.
Beneath the jewel WORDS make a list of things you like about yourself - be generous and answer as though you have been asked the question about your best friend. Now write the things you want to change. Don't loose the run of yourself here.
Affirmations help break the habit of negative thinking and the word itself comes from the latin Affirmare meaning to strengthen or make steady.
Some examples you can use:
I am fit and energetic. I am patient. I am capable of achieving a law (or other) degree. I am positive and hopeful about my life. I am beautiful. My home is beautiful, safe and peaceful. I am a great cook! I am grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life.
Do this:
Every day for 28 days, spend a minute looking at your reflection in the mirror. Smile at yourself (awkward at first but it becomes natural) and say “I love you. You are beautiful.” Look into your eyes and feel real tenderness towards the woman who is behind them. She’s taking care of you the best she can. Promise yourself you will use no negative words towards yourself either in your inner-voice or outwardly. Now watch what happens over the 28 days. It’s powerful!
Have a super Saturday.
Trina X
Do you know that this word, associated with magic incantation is from an Aramaic word meaning "I create as I speak".
Today's Jewel is WORDS and it is one of immense power.
It has the ability to crush as much as it can heal. It can kill a dream or build one. It can cause crippling shame or bring soaring freedom. It can slam doors shut or open brand new ones. It can melt a heart or build steel defences.
One word can change the world forever.
An experiment carried out by the Japanese author of The Hidden Messages in Water, Masaru Emoto, showed that the power of words can directly affect the molecular structure of water.
Simply put, he exposed glasses of water to different words - some positive and some negative. He placed words such as hate, war, violence, injury under some glasses and words such as love, healing, strength, compassion beneath others.
The water was then frozen and the resulting crystals examined. It was shown that the crystals of the water exposed to the negative words were jagged and had ‘ugly’ formations. And the water exposed to positive words resulted in visually pleasing “beautiful” crystal formations.
The suggestion made by Emoto is that if our bodies are made of nearly 60% water, then the words we use within our body may have a profound effect on our physical health and well-being.
Today, through proven studies in neuroscience, we know that our choice of words has a direct and immediate effect on our emotional and physical responses. The book 'The MINDBODY SELF' by Dr. Mario Martinez is considered 'an absolute masterwork combining science, anthropology and the wisdom of the heart' and I'd recommend it to anyone interested in exploring 'the causes of health'.
We are what we speak.
The words we use to speak to ourselves, our inner dialogue, can make or break us too. We tell ourselves stories and then behave as though they are true . “I am strong, I am clever and I’m prepared.” will produce a vastly different outlook going into an exam than “I am weak, I am stupid and I’m not ready.” The words you use condition yourself to behave in a way that affects your outcome.
Our bodies believe every word we say, so tell it some super-powered, steroid-pumped new truths and abracadabra – let the magic begin!
Notice how often you say negative and self-depreciating things to and about yourself. Are you mindlessly repeating words said to you in the past? Whose voice do you hear nagging you in a negative maner? A teacher from junior school, a sports coach, a boss, a parent? Once you begin to notice and acknowledge the negative stories you repeat to yourself, you can begin to make changes. Affirmations are a brilliant, simple and powerful way to break the habit of negative self-talk.
Write the word WORDS at the top of the new Jewels page and copy the following statement onto your page.
Your words have so much power. Your thoughts become things so choose what you say carefully. They become your reality. What follows 'I am' and 'I can' is coming to you.
When we put into words what we want to be or what we want to happen, we are empowering ourselves and reassuring our minds about the possiilities.
Beneath the jewel WORDS make a list of things you like about yourself - be generous and answer as though you have been asked the question about your best friend. Now write the things you want to change. Don't loose the run of yourself here.
Affirmations help break the habit of negative thinking and the word itself comes from the latin Affirmare meaning to strengthen or make steady.
Some examples you can use:
I am fit and energetic. I am patient. I am capable of achieving a law (or other) degree. I am positive and hopeful about my life. I am beautiful. My home is beautiful, safe and peaceful. I am a great cook! I am grateful for the abundance of blessings in my life.
Do this:
Every day for 28 days, spend a minute looking at your reflection in the mirror. Smile at yourself (awkward at first but it becomes natural) and say “I love you. You are beautiful.” Look into your eyes and feel real tenderness towards the woman who is behind them. She’s taking care of you the best she can. Promise yourself you will use no negative words towards yourself either in your inner-voice or outwardly. Now watch what happens over the 28 days. It’s powerful!
Have a super Saturday.
Trina X
DAY 21
Today's Jewel is CONNECTION and for the past 21 days we have been looking at all the wonderful jewels of Intention, Beauty, Inspiration, Dreams, the power of Now, Light, Energy, Letting-go and so on.
So today I'm asking you to connect with your feelings about each of these in your life. How often do you pay attention to your own dreams or your inner guidance? How often do you bring your unique gifts and skills to your daily life? Do you share your thoughts, opinions, hopes and dreams with others in your life?
It's important that we feel connected. To ourselves, our feelings, everyone we care about and the wider community. So often we find ourselves frustrated by the actions of others or the sense that nobody understands us but if we don't actually communicate our feelings, how do they know? If you don't 'keep in touch' it's easy to feel alone and unsupported.
They say that the feeling of connection is one of the pillars of good mental health. So do your bit! Know how you want to feel, what you want to do, what you want others to do in support of that and then communicate all of it (or as much as you're prepared to share). What can you loose?
By way of a story today (and I do like my stories), I'm sharing with you a project or exercise I set up a number of years ago in memory of a close childhood friend called Lilac Letters.
And as usual, write CONNECTION at the top of the page. Using the following jewels write down how you want to feel or what each brings to mind. Don't worry too much about going deep. You're connecting with your feelings and move on to the next if any one doesn't resonate with you.
Breathe, Choose, Intention, Resources, Grace, Reflection, Blessings, Gratitude, Dreams, Inspiration, Now (living in the), Energy, Light, Release, Thrive, Seasons. Magic, Beauty, Queen (your realm), Words.
Stay connected to these feelings in your day and share how you feel with others. Share your hopes and dreams, Talk about your blessings. If someone is bringing a negative energy to your environment, perhaps they're not aware of it. Communicate and connect.
One last thing. Write a letter, if that's your thing. Or make a phone call if you prefer. Is there anyone you'd love to reconnect with. To say once again 'hello my friend, hello'.
Thank you for reading these jewels emails every day. I love connecting with you.
Trina X
Today's Jewel is CONNECTION and for the past 21 days we have been looking at all the wonderful jewels of Intention, Beauty, Inspiration, Dreams, the power of Now, Light, Energy, Letting-go and so on.
So today I'm asking you to connect with your feelings about each of these in your life. How often do you pay attention to your own dreams or your inner guidance? How often do you bring your unique gifts and skills to your daily life? Do you share your thoughts, opinions, hopes and dreams with others in your life?
It's important that we feel connected. To ourselves, our feelings, everyone we care about and the wider community. So often we find ourselves frustrated by the actions of others or the sense that nobody understands us but if we don't actually communicate our feelings, how do they know? If you don't 'keep in touch' it's easy to feel alone and unsupported.
They say that the feeling of connection is one of the pillars of good mental health. So do your bit! Know how you want to feel, what you want to do, what you want others to do in support of that and then communicate all of it (or as much as you're prepared to share). What can you loose?
By way of a story today (and I do like my stories), I'm sharing with you a project or exercise I set up a number of years ago in memory of a close childhood friend called Lilac Letters.
And as usual, write CONNECTION at the top of the page. Using the following jewels write down how you want to feel or what each brings to mind. Don't worry too much about going deep. You're connecting with your feelings and move on to the next if any one doesn't resonate with you.
Breathe, Choose, Intention, Resources, Grace, Reflection, Blessings, Gratitude, Dreams, Inspiration, Now (living in the), Energy, Light, Release, Thrive, Seasons. Magic, Beauty, Queen (your realm), Words.
Stay connected to these feelings in your day and share how you feel with others. Share your hopes and dreams, Talk about your blessings. If someone is bringing a negative energy to your environment, perhaps they're not aware of it. Communicate and connect.
One last thing. Write a letter, if that's your thing. Or make a phone call if you prefer. Is there anyone you'd love to reconnect with. To say once again 'hello my friend, hello'.
Thank you for reading these jewels emails every day. I love connecting with you.
Trina X