A brand new Living Magically Everyday©
2 day workshop event - June 11th and 12th 2022
The Creative UpGrade
As our reproductive fertility and multi-tasking years draw to a close, our own desires, dreams and needs come into sharp focus and with it comes a new and dynamic life force energy - a surge of creative fertility.
Often our mind returns to the dreams of our youth and the ease with which we answered the question
'when you grow up what or who are you going to be?'
Chances are that as a girl, you could answer quickly. My fourteen year old self was a budding rally driver, a journalist, a nurse and a ballet dancer!
The Creative UpGrade
As our reproductive fertility and multi-tasking years draw to a close, our own desires, dreams and needs come into sharp focus and with it comes a new and dynamic life force energy - a surge of creative fertility.
Often our mind returns to the dreams of our youth and the ease with which we answered the question
'when you grow up what or who are you going to be?'
Chances are that as a girl, you could answer quickly. My fourteen year old self was a budding rally driver, a journalist, a nurse and a ballet dancer!
I've come to know that the cycles of nature are perfectly timed and the midlife transition generally comes at a time of greater freedom, less demands on our time and perhaps even a little more money to spare. And with it the question once again can be asked of you -
Who do you want to be now?
I've come to know that the cycles of nature are perfectly timed and the midlife transition generally comes at a time of greater freedom, less demands on our time and perhaps even a little more money to spare. And with it the question once again can be asked of you -
Who do you want to be now?
This new Living Magically Everyday workshop event aims to help you recognise the often overlooked gift of the midlife transition - The Creative Upgrade and shows you how to use it to bring about a delightful new phase of opportunity and growth.
What excites and intrigues you?
You may not yet recognise your creative soul but it is there. Everything from choosing how you dress in the morning or how you arrange your bedroom are expressions of creativity. Where does your creativity lie?
growing and nurturing
dance and movement
music and song
acting, drama or film-making
fundraising and altruism
travel and exploring
water activities
research and reporting
fashion, jewellery or interior design
hair and beauty
athletics and sports
animal care
spirituality and mysticism
digital and online programmes
wellness and healthcare
and many more.....
Women over 50 are the new entrepreneurs. They are makers, doers
and bringers-along of others.
Now may well be the time to risk to bloom for the first time. What lights you up and excites you is very often the purpose that brings meaning to your life and in turn is a joyful service you bring to the lives of others.
This is your time for claiming the sacred space to consider your place in this new adventure.
The United Arts Club, Fitzwilliam Street Upper, Dublin 2
Saturday June 11th and Sunday June 12th
9.30am to 5.30pm each day
You have within you gifts, talents, knowledge and skills and your qualification to use these was granted the day you were born. You arrived in this life equipped with a blueprint, an internal guidance system which you can tap into at any time.
My work is to help you unlock the secrets of your own heart and to use your vision and your voice to create the structure or blueprint for the way forward. To show you daily exercises and practices that help align you with you inner guidance, wisdom and intuition - my living magically everyday toolbox! And to help you bridge the space between unlocking the secrets of your heart and coming to living the life of your wildest dreams.
In this workshop event we create a sacred space, precious me-time to examine the past, explore the present and design your future with practical action steps from this moment on.
From the moment we raise our glass at our celebratory conclusion on Sunday evening, we are ready to step purposefully- with practical action steps - into a more creative, authentic and powerful version of ourselves.
- You'll get clear on who you want to be and how you wish to live.
- You'll acknowledge relationships and circumstances that support, value and encourage you - and also those that drain you, hold you back or diminish you.
- You'll see the old stories, the loops of rumination and limiting beliefs that are keeping you from becoming all you have the potential to be - and you'll decide to finally let these go.
- You will return to the colourful well of inspiration and creativity that lies within you (and may have had a lid on it for some time) and explore the tools and practices that will trigger a creative rebirth.
- We'll work together to get to the core of your most preferred state of being...
- And find the exact right 'power word' to describe it directing you straight to your core desires and on hand when you need to make choices or decisions.
- You'll create a vision and a structure for the way forward.
- Set up your unique programme of daily self-care.
- Design a set of practices, exercises and rituals to place in your magic mindset, miracles and manifestation toolbox.
- Create a schedule of action to be taken daily/ weekly/ monthly and occasionally.
'We are all beautiful beginners'
- Catherine Greer (author - Small Steps are Perfect)
You will emerge from this workshop event with a new sense of your own creative power, greater clarity about your own needs and desires and a deeper understanding of who you really are, what you want and how you want to live.
And we'll have a celebratory conclusion as we toast your reconnection with
the personal and unique blueprint for life to provide direction as you move forward.
Your UpGrade is complete!
Fee inclusive of coffee/ tea and snacks, lunch on both days and all materials and workbooks
*Limited and very reasonable city centre accommodation on the premises is available at present. Please email me for details.