![]() You’ve got healing hands, helping hands, loving hands and the whole world in your hands. They are the wands with which you conjure visions to life. Let’s spend the day in appreciation of the most amazing tools we have to care for ourselves and others. Our hands - so fine tuned and efficient they can often go unnoticed. But how perfectly designed they are. We speak with our hands! My sister is so expressive with her hands, we used to tease her by making her sit on them while she told us some exciting story abut her day. She couldn’t manage more than a few seconds before she would have to be released. We have knuckles and nails, prints and lines making each pair unique in the world. These once-off hands are so precious not just for what they carry out on our behalf but for the ability to ‘touch’ others in a healing, loving, reassuring or encouraging way. Human touch is at the heart of all healing. We create with our hands… On top of this our hands are the tools of craft and creativity making manifest the imaginings and visions of our mind. It’s so easy to forget the extraordinary power within our hands and the magical ability they have to bless every one we love, every thing we treasure and every space we occupy. Today is day 7 of our magical rest and it’s time to rest our hands by being truly grateful for them. Just for a few moments now, think of some of the things your hands do for you. Close them as though in prayer and hold them together as though pouring love from your heart into them. Wrap one around the other and bring them close to your chest. Then place them, right hand over left just over your heart. Spend a few moments in grateful appreciation of your hands. We spend much of our time with our heart and our hands full. Today treat your hands as though they are the outer expression of your inner being. As though they reflect your heart, your soul and your mind. Before you begin, if you wear rings, carefully clean and polish them. Manicure and massage. You will need:
*Mix your own scrub by combining 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon of almond or olive oil and the juice of half a lemon. First Loosen your hands up. Shake them out and wiggle your fingers about. Stretch your hands by flexing them as wide as you can, and then make a fist. Bend your wrists with your hands points down, and then flex your hand up and down several times. Continue to use these techniques for about one minute before you begin to massage your hands. Gently massage your hands with the scrub before rising with warm water. Rub in some intensive hand cream and massage in a way that feels comfortable for you. Moving intuitively through your fingers, knuckles and palms, pay attention to your wrists also. We carry a lot of tension there and they will love you for the loving attention today. Now place your hands in the plastic bags and wrap them in a warm towel. Now soften the cuticles with almond or olive oil and push back gently with an orange stick. Remove excess skin carefully with nail scissors. File and polish your nails. For thin, fragile or problem nails, use a special treatment nail polish. Some of these require than you place a coat on nails each day for a number of days before removing. Now adore your hands. If you haven’t already arranged a turn down tray beside your bed, do place hand cream and cuticle oil where you can apply them last thing before sleep. Once week use a pair of cotton gloves to wear all night for a more intensive moisturising and silky soft (and youthful) hands. Do share photos of your manicure on the November Bliss with Trina Keane Facebook page Have a super Saturday. I’ll be back tomorrow as we begin our second week of 30 days of Magical Rest Trina x
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Magical Rest companion workbook available.
Rest is the potent elixir that fuels the efficiency of everything we do, are and wish to be. We rest for healing, for wisdom, for radiance and for love. I have created the Magical Rest 30 day program as a stand alone personal month long journey through the resting of all of your being, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively, sensory and socially. Each day gifts you a restful exercise, practice or ritual and sets some reflective work to help you connect more fully to your own inner wisdom and personal magic. |